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IT - Biography


Corte Suprema di Cassazione


Giovanni Canzio

First President


President since: 7th January 2016


Justice of the supreme court since: 1995


Career before being justice of the Supreme Court:

Born in 1945 in Salerno, Giovanni Canzio graduated in law from the University Federico II of Naples in 1966.

He became a member of the Judiciary in 1970 and was first appointed to the Court of Vicenza and then to the Court of Rieti. In 1995 G. Canzio  was called upon to serve as  judge of the Supreme Court of cassation in the first criminal chamber and in the joint criminal chambers. Moreover, he was appointed as Head of the Study & Research Department (Ufficio del Massimario e del Ruolo) of the Supreme Court.

In 2009 he left the Supreme Court to be the President of the Court of Appeal of L’Aquila. In 2011 Giovanni Canzio was appointed President of the Court of Appeal of Milan. On 7 January 2016 he was appointed First President of the Supreme Court of cassation.

President Giovanni Canzio has pursued intense scientific research in criminal justice, and is the author of criminal law and criminal procedural law publications. He is a professor of law at the Università Cattolica of Milan. He has also given a major contribution in terms of the organization of the judicial system as president and member of several reform committees.